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Our rules for the rating of holiday homes

Holiday home ratings play an increasingly important role nowadays.

There is practically no holiday-maker who books accommodation without first checking out the ratings of the property of his/her choice.

However, as we cannot publish everything without "censorship," may we ask you to have a look at the rules that we have established for this process:


1. Prerequisites / Conditions

A rating can only be given by a guest who has actually spent his/her holiday in the reviewed property.

Each owner or advertiser using our portals is authorised to publish, in the owners’ section, reviews from his/her guest book or from other holiday home sites.

However, the site operator reserves the right to request evidence from the owner to substantiate the review given should he have a concern about any content submitted on his Websites.

In general, reviews can only be accepted for stays of less than two years ago.


2. What we cannot / will not publish:

Allegations of a personal nature against the owner that do not have anything to do with the holiday stay.

Texts with offensive racist/sexual content.

Texts violating rights of third parties (for example: copyright, trademark and competition law).


3. Privacy Policy

Any personal data you give can only be accessed by the site operator and the owner of the holiday home.

The rating will only show the first name of the person giving the review and his/her place of residence. All other data will be treated confidentially in accordance with applicable data protection laws.


4. Exemption from liability claims from third parties

Guests or advertisers explicitly release the site operator from any third party liability claims, arising from content published by guests or advertisers that may be filed for violation of the law.


5. Miscellaneous

The portal operator has the right to change or amend these terms, at any time, without notice.

Jurisdiction is the place of the operator's portal.